With a background in PR and marketing, I understand WHY a company or brand needs good audiovisual materials.
My goal is to help you shape your brand recognition with the best quality materials that make sense considering your budget. There is no need to waste thousands on a beautiful artpiece that doesn’t bring the desired results. I want to learn about your brand and goals, then try to come up with the best solution.
As a semi-professional BMX/MTB athlete and social media content creator with a considerable following...
I have gained a good understanding of how social media platforms work and what the audiences like to see, what has the potential to go viral. It also helps a lot to know what it’s like to be the one in front of the camera, not just the one holding it.
I've been running YouTube channels since 2018...
and actively keep up with the trends and changes on the platform. I can help you with setting up and running a channel, from long-form video creation to branding, posting, creating thumbnails and doing analysis.
I like to shoot and create all sorts of content.
- I am a perfect one-man-band – I can shoot, light and do audio.
- I use professional hybrid cameras for my work, which means I can shoot both photos and videos.
- I hold a drone licence for aerial shots.
- My portfolio ranges from talking head interview style videos to fast-paced sports and events, open to try anything new and exciting.
- I can design, animate, do photo manipulations and love to try special effects.
- With a background in extreme sports, I am willing to get closer to the action than a regular person.