But also an action sports athlete, spokesperson, former coach and animal rights activist.
I grew up doing various individual sports, but eventually sticked to BMX Freestyle in 2006. I fell in love with how creative, addicting and dangerous the sport was. Escaping nasty situations makes you feel truly alive. Fast forward to 2020s and I can say I have competed internationally, done World’s Firsts, performed in front of crowds, organized multiple contests, coached people, ran an indoor skatepark, helped build outdoor parks, and motivated many people to pick up a bike and be healthier.
But in 2018 I also decided to start a YouTube channel to share my knowledge with other people, those that I couldn’t reach in my face-to-face BMX coaching clinics in Estonia. And very soon after I realized I had found myself a new passion – making videos. I would stay up at nights to watch filmmaking tutorials, what gear to use and how. I was hooked on it and I would do weekly how-to’s, vlogs, event coverages and quite soon, I realized I wanted to do more of it. I started doing it whenever possible at my workplaces, for social media and my friends. And eventually people started hiring me as a freelancer.
Now I also had to learn about marketing, social media, graphic design, photography and web development to continue on this path. This led to me landing a full-time job as a digital marketing specialist with a passion for videography. This eventually led to becoming a full-time filmmaker in 2022. And still making BMX and MTB (Mountainbiking) content on the side. 🙂